SHMS (Structural Health Monitoring System) is a monitoring process related to information, regarding the condition and safety of a building structure such as bridges, tunnels, dams and buildings.

The objectives of the SHMS itself are:

  • To continuously monitor the health condition of the structure
  • To find out as early as possible the symptoms of normal ups that may occur
  • Logs the behavior of the loads transmitted by the structure
  • As a source of data to analyze in decision making in preventive actions or maintenance on structures

Some parameters that can be tested in SHMS include:

  • Dynamic and static loading tests
  • Measuring vibration on bridge
  • Monitoring the distribution of forces on the structure when it is under load
  • Monitor the influence of the surrounding environment on the structure

The SHMS work process is by placing sensors at predetermined points, then the data obtained from the sensors will be processed by the TMR Interface Module, then the data is displayed on the led screen. The appearance of the monitoring itself can be done either directly at the test point or online, with online monitoring we can monitor the SHMS process from one place.

Why Choose Taharica Indonesia as your SHMS Solution?

We are a company experienced in system integrators, suppliers of data acquisition systems/data loggers/online monitoring, and test & measurement products, where our engineers have experience in carrying out projects related to bridge monitoring such as:

  • Suramadu Bridge Monitoring Online Design (Structural Health System/SHMS)
  • SHMS Toll Screen Ir, Wiyoto Wiyono
  • Design & Supply Online Monitoring of Bali Toll Road
  • Load Test of Mahkota II Bridge Samarinda – East Kalimantan
  • Red and White Bridge Load Test Ambon – Maluku
  • Load Test of Kamojang Bridge – West Java
  • Load Test of Kukar Bridge, Tenggarong – East Kalimantan
  • Load Test of Tayan Bridge, Pontianak – West Kalimantan

In addition, Taharica Indonesia has an instrument with the TMR Brand which has advantages including:

  • The system is flexible and customized so that it can be adapted to the needs of observations on various forms and types of structures.
  • Design that features expandable so that it can be expanded to suit monitoring needs
  • Record all monitored parameters in real time and synchronized in the future.
  • Equipped with analyzer tools and data signal processing so that it can be used easily by interested parties for information on the health condition of the structure to simplify all the data so that conclusions can be obtained quickly and accurately.

Contact us :

Telp : +62 21 8690 6777

English CS : +62 813 3332 5396 (Miqdat)

Arabia CS : +62 812 1212 6469

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